Saturday, April 30, 2011

Yesterday I pulled out the flyer for Teacher Appreciation Week, another school thing to keep track of! It really is relentless at this time of year. Declan has his short testing appt. first thing in the morning, at the same time I had to drop Owen off for his 2 1/2 hour school day, so it worked out well. After we picked Owen up, we went out to lunch at Panera. Then we stopped at the library since I had a couple of books that were due. Owen had been invited on a sleepover, but we weren't sure what time he was leaving. He got picked up in the middle of the afternoon, so Declan and I proceeded to get sucked into Lego Harry Potter. I was the only one who had played it before but Declan finally got interested and we are working our way through the levels. I find it more confusing to navigate than the other Lego games we have, but we are figuring it out.

Owen got dropped off around 9:30 a.m. since we thought he had a soccer game, but it ended up getting cancelled. The other team didn't have enough players, and the weather was quite windy and cold. Owen said he got up at 5 a.m. anyway, so not sure he would have been in top form! I was worried about him staying up too late, but forgot that this family is used to getting up early. Declan's game was still on, so we watched that one out in the cold. They ended in a tie after a bad beginning.

Scot and I decided to go see a movie, so we saw Hanna. There is nothing that exciting playing right now, but it was a fun action movie. I'm almost done reading Body Double, which has been good so far. I got the movie Hereafter from Netflix, but haven't watched it yet.

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