Thursday, May 5, 2011

May snuck up on me, and boy it is a doozy. I think this is our last quiet weekend before we are on activity overload! Monday I was at work during the day and then soccer practice for Declan while Owen went to a scout meeting with Scot. Tuesday I went to an exercise class, and then after I came home I started to get worried that I was waiting too long to finally commit to a pop-up rental since 4th of July tends to book up fast, so I got that all squared away. It looks like the only issue may be not having the correct electrical hook-up, so I need to see what we have and find out about getting it replaced. We are just getting a small one, with a queen bed on one side and a double on the other. There is a table inside and a stove that can be used inside or outside, plus it comes with an awning. I'm picking it up the day before we leave so I can get it packed up and practice driving with it a little. It weighs much less than we can actually tow, so hopefully it won't be too big of a deal. I am excited about the long camping trip now, more than I would be if I had to spend 6 days in a tent!

Wednesday morning I went to another exercise class, and then I had to take Dottie to the MaxFund clinic vet to get her ears checked out. After we got back from our trip, I noticed she had some scabs on her ears that I didn't see before. I waited to see if they would get better, and then a cyst-type thing developed, also on her ear, so I figured I better take her in. They are not sure what might be wrong, so she is getting antibiotics and I have to put a cream on the scabs once a day. After the antibiotics are gone, I have to take her back. One thing that they might have to check for is skin cancer, which I didn't realize was a problem for dogs. I am hoping that's not what it is!

Today was actually pretty warm, in the low 70's, so I decided to make some iced coffee after I got back from my exercise class (3 days in a row. Yay me!) It was a little weak, but I'm out of practice since it's been so cold this spring. I went to the library to help and then on to Owen's class to help with the Native American beading project they were doing. They strung beads across squares of plastic canvas based on designs that had made earlier in the week. I had to help kids count out the beads in the colors they needed, and then walk around and help whoever needed it. I am going back in a few weeks to help with the moccasins, which I guess are more of an ordeal. Tonight Scot took Owen to soccer practice while I took Declan to his scout meeting. They talked about their belt loops, and then made sopapillas in honor of Cinco de Mayo. They turned out pretty yummy, so I got the recipe to try here sometime. They tasted like the pie crust pieces that my mom used to make with cinammon and sugar, but they put honey and cinammon on theirs. Tomorrow Declan's class is going on a field trip, and then next Friday Owen's class has a field trip downtown, which I will be going on. The Friday after that is Field Day, and then the last Friday of school is the field trip to the zoo for Declan's class, which I am also helping with. We also have the book fair next week, the Carnival next Friday night, and Run with Rocky on the Sunday that I will be up in Estes Park with my mom for a workshop. We still have soccer for another week, and I am hosting bunco this month. Declan's soccer team has signed up for a tournament on Memorial Weekend, so it is shaping up to be quite a busy month!

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