Saturday, May 14, 2011

This is one of the books Owen picked out from the school book fair last week. We got our shopping done Tuesday after school since the rest of the week was looking busy. We had a possible soccer makeup game on Wednesday, which was also the only night of Declan's student-led conferences. Luckily it ended up raining so the game was cancelled and we were able to do both Owen and Declan's conferences that night. Owen had his own soccer makeup game on Thursday night, so it was better not to have to try and squeeze in conferences that night.

Owen's soccer team played really well, but suffered another loss. They did get two goals, which is two more than usual! He is supposed to have his last makeup game tomorrow, but the weather is still being unpredictable. Not sure if the fields will be open, although the game is not until afternoon.

Friday was a field trip for 3rd graders to check out downtown. It was based on a social studies unit on cities from earlier in the year, but they figured the weather would be nicer in May. It almost wasn't, but Friday was the one nice day of the week, luckily. I was paired up with one other boy and his grandma, so we had a nice, small group of 4. We had detailed instructions about where to walk and the kids had a booklet to fill out. We had time for a lunch break, so we ate at Paradise Bakery and Cafe. It was a fun day, but tiring, and then we had the school carnival that night. We walked down since it was still nice, and stayed pretty much until the end at 8 p.m.

Today both kids had morning soccer games that I had to miss because I had orchestra rehearsal. Luckily the rain didn't start up again until after lunch, when they were done playing.

The people wanting to adopt Dottie did get their vet records updated and sent to the shelter, so I guess there's still a chance it might go through. They are going to discuss and decide. I want to see what they say about her ears on Tuesday, also, since that might affect the adoption.

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