Monday, March 7, 2011

I wasn't very good about taking photos over the weekend, but in my defense, it was a busy one. This photo is from today, and the dental floss is because I rescheduled my dental appointment that I was supposed to have this week. The back of my mouth is still swollen in some parts, so I'm just not ready to have more procedures yet! I put it off until April.

Saturday morning I had orchestra rehearsal, maybe the last one until our performances since I will miss the dress rehearsal during spring break. I had lunch afterwards with a couple people from orchestra and had some yummy Thai food and Thai iced tea. Meanwhile Scot and the kids went to see the MLS cup that the Rapids won this year and then built a car at a Home Depot workshop. After dinner, we were off to the Avalanche game and sleepover. I don't know why, but we seem to have the worst luck with our seats. At the one Rapids game we went to, we ended up right next to a whole section bought out by the rival team, so we had to listen to their obnoxiousness all night, and then after sitting down in our hocket seats, some girl from the Rapids cheer team or something like that said that they had a bunch of seats in that section and were going to be chanting and making noise the whole game. Declan started to get really upset for some reason, so the girl said there were seats available in the adjacent section if it was too loud, so we moved over. We could still hear them, but at least they weren't right behind us. Since the AV's were playing so poorly, their cheering seemed kind of silly after awhile, but when the beer is flowing, mouths seem to get bigger. I don't have a problem with fans cheering, but with groups like this, it rarely stays appropriate for kids. We like to watch the professional sports events, but honestly, it's not what I would call a family-friendly atmosphere most of the time...

Anyway, we lost 1-5, but luckily they cleared off the ice and the kids were able to get on and play broom ball and run around for about an hour. By this time it was almost midnight and I was loosing steam. Luckily I was not staying so I left as we went out to get the overnight stuff. After I got home, I chatted with Scot on the computer and he said the kids were still up and watching the movie they were showing on the jumbotron. They said lights would go out after the movie, but I guess they only turned off half of them, so I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to sleep at all. As it was, I was wondering why our bedroom was so nice and dark, and I realized the street light that is on the corner was out. Too bad it didn't stay that way the next night! They had to get up at 7 a.m., so not a lot of sleep was had by anyone. The donuts and juice were a big hit, though. They came home and Scot fell asleep on the couch while the kids were going strong. Declan crashed sometime in the late afternoon and fell asleep before dinner, but Owen didn't fall asleep until he went to read before bed. I went to recorder performance at the library. Luckily my group played early, so then I could relax and listen to the others play. Declan's tooth had been really loose all weekend and he finally got the courage to pull it out after dinner. I even remembered to leave him money on the first night! So that was our busy weekend.

Today I was at work most of the day, although I did get to leave a little bit early and have a couple hours at home before school got out. The kids got their stuff done before dinner, so we played some games after, and then it was time for bed. I've been trying to go to bed earlier myself, but it seems like I am more tired since I wake up earlier. Hopefully I will adjust soon...

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