Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No coffee yesterday since I had to work, but I should have stopped and gotten some on my way since there was only one child there when I arrived. I had to drop Owen off at school an hour early for a talent show rehearsal, so that's out of the way now. If you don't attend a rehearsal, you can't perform in the show, which is Friday night. I woke up just 10 minutes before 8, so we had to rush out and then Declan and I came back to get ready for work/school. We are trying to adjust to the soccer practice schedule, but it's kind of a pain. Scot got home before we had to leave for Declan's practice, so Owen stayed home and ate with him, and then Declan and I had a late dinner after we got home.

Today I had to go back to the dentist so they could take out the BIPPS that was put in on Friday. I don't know what that stands for, but it's the yellow strip of material that was soaked in clove oil and pushed into the socket. I guess they were trying to keep the hole open for drainage purposes. Now I am back to irrigating 4-5 times daily with the syringe until it heals, hopefully without the infection this time. My only consolation was that the dentist is right near a Krispy Kreme, which happens to have a really good glazed old fashioned, my favorite donut. They call it a sour cream donut. Yummy! The kids stayed and played after school for a little bit since the weather was nice, but then we had to go get our stuff done before Owen's soccer practice from 6-7:30. Scot came by and picked up Declan at the practice, and I fed Owen before we left. He also had to get his piano, homework, and chore done before we left, which he did. These will be some crazy days! The kids are excited for their first games on Saturday, although I'm still waiting to find out exactly where Owen's game is going to be.

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