Thursday, March 10, 2011

The photo is from yesterday. Today I was at a coffee shop with my friend Amy, but I didn't have my camera. Declan is now reading the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and I swear, those books are like crack. Owen could not stop reading and re-reading them, and I finally had to put them away until summer since he needed to do his homework reports on more than just the same books over and over. Now Declan can barely put them down, but at least he still has to read his assigned books for school, also.

Since yesterday, I've had swelling and pain in my jaw again, so I'm not sure what's going on. If it doesn't seem improved by tomorrow, I'll call the dentist. I guess it could be that something is infected. I think the hole left from the tooth is almost healed, so I thought I was home free... So annoying, but I do need to get it straightened out before we leave for Oregon in a couple weeks.

As is typical for Colorado, the beginning of the week was cold and soccer practices were cancelled, but yesterday and today we were able to go. It was still cool yesterday but today was pretty warm and sunny. Saturday the kids have reservations for ski and snowboard lessons, so hopefully it will be nice. Tomorrow I'll gather all the stuff together.

I have one more disc of Nurse Jackie to finish the season, and I got another Breaking Bad disc for Scot and I to watch this weekend. I watched Mother and Child on Netflix, which was good but kind of sad. Amy told me about a really strange movie that she just watched called Dogtooth, so I'm curious to check that one out.

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