Friday, February 11, 2011

I helped in the library again this morning. Both the regular librarian and the usual library aid were gone, so I felt very needed! After that, I went to the Apex to do some treadmill and weights. Next, I was off to get a haircut. As much as I have enjoyed being able to put it in a ponytail, it just gets yucky when it's too long. My hair has always been thin, and I'm afraid it's getting worse with age. At least when it's short it has some semblance of life...

Tonight was the parent/child dance at school, so we had fun going to that. It was a luau theme, but I didn't have any Hawaiian shirts so I just wore my regular clothes. They always have a raffle, so they had 4 items to give away. I was actually the third winner, and it was between a one hour massage and a Kids Bop CD. Owen said he didn't want the Kids Bop, so I happily took the massage gift card instead. Toy Story 3 and Beverly Hill Chihuahua 2 (the kids would have wanted that) had already been taken. Well, soon afterwards the mom of one of their friends told me Owen was out in the hall and was upset, so I went out to chat with him and he said he was upset because he really had wanted the Kids Bop CD but was afraid he'd get teased by one of his friends if he knew he had it. I told him he shouldn't worry about it and should get or do the things he liked, no matter what people might say, and that we could look for a Kids Bop CD at the store. He eventually recovered and ended the night running around with his friends again. They were playing Thriller by Michael Jackson, who is someone he seems to know of, although not his music so much, so I told him it was Michael Jackson, and he said, "But it's a girl singing. Isn't Michael Jackson a boy?"

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