Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday I slept in a little, and then got up and went to exercise while the kids did their cleaning. When I got back, I vacuumed and cleaned the kitchen floor. Scot took the kids ice skating in the afternoon and I stayed home and made my Oscar picks. I went to an Oscars party that night and had fun, even though I didn't know anyone except the hostess. I got 18 picks correct. My closest competitor got 14, so I was happy. lol I didn't think James Franco was a good co-host, although the beginning sequence was funny. I know everyone was offended by Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes, but I thought he was funny and it made the show more interesting.

I was working the evening shift today instead of my usual day shift, so all day I kept reminding myself so I didn't forget that after picking up the kids from school, I needed to head to work. Changes in routine tend to throw me off! During the day I was able to watch my Big Love disc. Six episodes down and I have no idea what is going to happen next! I am still waiting for Social Network to be available from Netflix since that is one of two Oscar nominees that I haven't seen yet, the other one being 127 Hours. I'm not enthused about that one now after seeing James Franco host the Oscars...I have been watching old Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes if I am still up. Tonight is the one where he refused to give candy to the 13-year-old trick-or-treaters that didn't even dress up, and then his yard got t.p.'d.

I got the kids soccer practice schedules finally, but am still waiting to find out the game schedules that will dictate our Saturdays in March-May. I also found out the scout camping trip will be the weekend before our 4th of July camping trip, but it's only one night, so not a big deal. I need to get a pop-up reserved since I promised the kids we could try one out for Leadville, especially if we are going to be up there for 5 or 6 nights this time. I'm hoping I will sleep better in the pop-up since there will be a heater if it gets really cold, and I'm sure the beds are more comfortable than mattress on the ground! I like camping, but it does take a toll on me after a couple days since I don't sleep well, so I figured for a longer trip, this might be a good solution. Scot won't be there for the whole time since he is saving vacation days for our Portland and Pittsburgh trips, but my friend with a pop-up will be there to help me figure out how to set it up.

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