Monday, February 7, 2011

No coffee today, and I really could have used some given the scant hours of sleep I managed to get last night! I was thinking of getting a cup on my way home from work since I usually have 40 minutes but it's only a 20 minute drive to get to school from work, but the person coming in for the night shift was late, so I didn't get to leave at 3 after all. It is looking pretty nasty outside tonight, so I am wondering if they will cancel school. Today was the 100th Day celebration, so luckily that will not be affected. It is pretty fun for the younger kids, but I guess 3rd grade and higher don't celebrate it.

Dottie has been throwing up every night lately, so I'm wondering what is going on with her. I did switch food and gave her a new chew toy, so I took away the chew toy and switched her back to our usual Costco dog food, so hopefully that will solve the problem. If the kids do go to school tomorrow, I will be taking that opportunity to steam clean the living room carpet! If she still keeps doing it, I will take her to the Maxfund vet, but Scot and I are both confused as to why it only happens at night, even though she eats twice a day. She seems fine otherwise, but I know she had issues in the past with food allergies.

I ordered a bunch of scrapbook prints since there was a SuperBowl sale going on, so now I just need to get some albums. I decided to go with the 8X8 size, since I just like it better than the 12X12. Luckily scrapbook albums seem to be 40% frequently at Michael's and Hobby Lobby, so I just need to stock up during a good sale.

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