Monday, February 14, 2011

This is from yesterday. I managed to drink a quick cup before heading out for the CPR training. Luckily it was at a center closer to me instead of the one way out on the other side of town like I had originally thought. If it hadn't been for people "sharing" all their first aid stories, we probably would have gotten done around 4, but we had a bunch of Chatty Cathy's in the class! It's interesting to note that they have figured out that it doesn't matter whether adults get the breaths or not, it's the chest compressions that are most important, so they don't even recommend bothering with the breathing if you don't have a protective mask to use. However, for kids, it's more important for them to get the breathing over the chest compressions.

I had to work again today, but got to leave a little bit early so I could stop in on the kids Valentine parties at school. It is always so crowded and chaotic, it was just as well to miss some of it! I guess we were supposed to automatically know that the third graders needed to make a Valentine box at home, but I didn't realize that and no note was sent home, so Owen didn't have one. He just put a sticky note on his desk saying "Put Valentine's Here". After we got home, I started to feel kind of bad, so I think I'm getting a cold.

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