Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I thought I would show the base of my coffee operations. Today was the coffee I kept wanting to make but then I kept remembering things I need to do, so I made myself wait. I helped at the school library for an hour, then came home and remembered as I was getting out the coffee machine that I was going to make crock pot chicken, so I got all of that ready. Then I remembered I needed to get my Netflix movie in the mail. I watched more episodes of Bored to Death yesterday. Not sure I like it that much, but I didn't realize it was at the top of my queue until it was already on the way. I am also remembering that Season 4 of Angel was not a favorite of mine, but here I am, watching it anyway. None of my usual shows have started up again with new episodes.

Owen is up to level 3A with his piano books, so I had to go get the new ones before his lesson today. He was happy to hear that they were out of the Theory book. lol However, he has been complaining of not feeling well today, so we'll see what tomorrow brings. It doesn't feel like he has a fever yet, but he was looking wan during and after dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer, Am enjoying looking at your different coffees. Thanks for adding anonymous!
    love, Mom
